Material Topics

– Material Topic Assessment –

The Need

In 2017, we conducted a stakeholder inclusive material assessment to frame and focus our sustainability efforts and ensure long term sustainability. This process will be repeated every 5 years to ensure our efforts remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.

The Process

A comprehensive list of 142 material topics based on the WTTC (2017) assessment of issues critical to the future of travel and tourism, published literature and reports, was consolidated to create a shortlist of 30 relevant material topics.

Material topics were rated using a forced four point likert scale via online questionnaires and internal workshops. External stakeholder opinion was incorporated, including suppliers, community members, business partners, members of government and local organisations. Topic prioritisation was based on results from 143 internal and 71 external respondents.

The Prioritisation

Seven primary topics were chosen based on importance to internal and external stakeholders: 1) Climate Change, 2) Pollution and Waste, 3) Ethical Compliance and Corruption, 4) Data Security, 5) Employee Satisfaction, 6) Leadership, and 7) Biodiversity. An additional four were included due to their importance to us: 8) Staff Development, 9) Supply Chain, 10) Culture and Heritage, and 11) Responsible Travel.

These new goals support our commitment to address global sustainability challenges, and following Global Reporting Initiative Standards, this Report outlines why they are important, our management approach, commitments, responsibilities, targets and actions.